

Do and learn-the basic English class starts


       Combined with the current situation of our employees' English level, in order to further form a good English learning atmosphere throughout the company, and improve employees' daily interest in English learning and communication level. Taigene Industry Co., Ltd. held the first  English basic class promotion course on January 4, 2021. The course lasted 1 hour and a total of 18 employees from various departments of the company participated in the training.


This time the teacher is Christy Yang, an internal trainer from the business department. She takes 2021 as the theme to explain the expressions of various festivals and months. The class used a humorous teaching method to chat with employees about holiday customs, and introduced in detail the basic sentence structure of "subject + predicate + guest", and ended with the song "Happy new year".


As the first education and training course in 2021, it is rich and substantial. All employees actively participate and study hard. In this basic English class training, a total of 12 class hours were set up. It is believed that through the following training, employees' interest in English can be stimulated, and the atmosphere of learning English within the company will be improved. Taigene will more calmly adapt to market changes and shine on the international stage.

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