

2021 Fuzhou Taigene Industry Co., Ltd. Service Award & Professional Title Award


        On December 30,2021, Fuzhou Taigene Industrial Co., Ltd. issued corresponding certificates of honor to the employees who have served 10 years, 15 years and 20 years, and bought gold ring, gold bracelet and gold necklace as a gift to you, thank the staff for their youth and efforts to Taigene.


        At the same time, they also issue promotion certificates to the staff promoted with professional titles to affirm their ability.They work serious and responsible, hard and dedicated, excellent performance in the work, has been unanimously recognized by leaders and colleagues, and have made indelible contributions to the development of the company.The general manager said: "I hope the staff can continue to play their own advantages, and Taigene hand in hand together, struggle to grow together."


        More than ten years is parallel with Taigene. The efforts of every employee can be seen and remembered in his heart. The bright future belongs to every hardworking person in Taigene.


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